강남 선릉역 마담밍 냉짬뽕집
주소 : 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 897 23 지하 1층
정통 중식당 마담밍은 짬뽕도 냉면도 아닌 짬뽕냉면을 제공한다. 매우면서도 시원한 냉짬뽕은 이 집이 5년전 오픈할 때부터 선보였던 계절메뉴로, 메뉴판에는 적혀 있지 않지만 해마다 여름이면 얼큰하면서도 뼛속까지 차가운 그 맛을 못 잊어 손님들이 찾아온다. 불그스름한 짬뽕냉면 국물에는 자그마한 얼음덩이들이 송송 떠 있어 면발을 더욱 차갑고 탱탱하게 만들어 냉 짬뽕의 맛을 한층 더 마담밍은 베이징식과 쓰촨식 음식을 비교적 대중적인 가격에 맛볼 수 있는 중식당으로 중국에서 가져온 머리카락처럼 가늘다는 의미의 해조류 발채를 사용한 발채유산슬 등 다른 집에서 맛볼 수 없는 메뉴들을 다양하게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
평일:11:30-21:30, 토요일:11:30-21:30, 일요일:휴무, 휴식시간 오후 3시~ 5시, 설날/추석 휴무
주차가능, [좌석수] 50석이하
TV 방영
KBS 행복한 밥상 42회, MBC 찾아라 맛있는 TV 230회, SBS 결정 맛대맛 140회
해삼송이전복 Braised Abalone Pine-Mushroom Sea Cucumber
해삼송이가이바시 Scallop in Braised Abalone Sea-Cucumber
해삼가이바시 Scallop with Sea-Cucumber
해삼송이 Braised Abalone Sea-Cucumber
금삼오룡 Braised Sea-Cucumber Stuffed with Minced Shrimp
기아해삼 Braised Sea-Cucumber Stuffed with Beef
해삼쥬스 Braised Sea-Cucumber with Steamed Pork Belly
사천해삼 Fried Sea-Cucumber with Vegetables
해삼탕 Braised Sea-Cucumber in Oyster Sauce
삼선냉채 Three Kinds of Cold Dish
특냉채 Special Assorted Cold Dish
사품냉채 Four Cold Dish
삼품냉채 Three Cold Dish
오향장육 Cold Roasted Pork
해파리냉채 Cold Jelly Fish
자연송이볶음 Sauteed Mushroom
은행과 모듬야채볶음 Sauteed Gingko Nut & Vegetables
청경채굴소스 Sauteed Pak Choi wth Oyster Sauce
아스파라거스볶음 Sauteed Asparagus
초고버섯굴소스 Mushroom with Oyster Sauce
바닷가재 Lobster
과일탕수새우 Shrimp with Fruit Sweet
중새우 Fried King Shrimp
작은새우 Small Shrimp
새우두부 Fried Bean Curd & Shrimp
삼선누룽지탕 Scorched Glutinous Rice with Vegetable and Three Kinds Seafoods
해물누룽지탕 Scorched Glutinous Rice with Vegetable and Seafoods
삼선탕 Three Kinds of Seafoods Soup
게살샥스핀스프 Shark's Fin with Crab Soup
산라탕 Hot and Sour Soup with Bean Curd
해물탕 Hot and Sour Soup with Seafoods
게살(레드or화이트소스선택) Fried Crab with Vegetable
게살두부(레드or화이트소스선택) Crab Bean Curd
전가복 Braised Assorted Seafoods with Vegetables
사천잡탕 Seafoods and Vegetables in Hot Sauce
위기삼정 Braised Beef and Three Kinds of Seafoods
팔보라조 Seafoods and vegetables in Hot Sauce
유산슬 Braised Sea-Cucumber with Shrimp & Beef
양장피 Assorted Hot and Cold Dished
마파두부 Mapo Bean Curd
발채유산슬 Braised Sea-Cucumber with Shrimp, Beef & Seaweed
회과육 Sauteed Pork Belly with Vegetable in Bean Sauce
두판삽겹살 Spicy Pork Ribs
오하구육 Diced Pork in Hot Sauce
돼지고기두부 Sauteed with Bean Curd
과일탕수육 Steand Pork Belly in Oyster Sauce
돼지고추볶음 Fruit Sweet and Pork
라조육 Sweet and Pork
사천탕수육 Fried Pork with Red Pepper
탕수육 Sweet and Sour Pork in Tomato Sauce
자연송이쇠고기 Braised Beef with Pine-Mushroom
밍 마라우육 Ming Special Spicy Beef
부추잡채(겨울에만가능) Sauteed Shreded Beef with Red Pepper
호유우육 Beef with Oyster Sauce
마라우육 Spicy Beef with Bamboo Shoot
금전우육 Beef with Tomato Sauce
쇠고기 두부 Beef & Bean Curd
난자완스 Fried Beef with Brown Sauce
라조육 Freid Beef with Hot Pepper Sauce
고추잡채 Shreded Beef with Red Pepper
당면잡채 Shredded Beef with Chinese Noodles
쇠고기탕수육 Sweet and Sour Beef
자연송이닭고기 Sauteed Chicken with Pine-Mushroom
칠리닭고기 Sauteed Chicken in Chili Sauce
호도닭고기 Sauteed Chicken with walnuts
궁보닭고기 Sauteed Chicken with Peanuts
죽순닭고기 Sauteed Chicken with Bamboo Shoots
꼬타기 Roasted Chicken with Vegetables
라조기 Braised Chicken in Hot Sauce
깐풍기 Fried Chicken in Garlic Sauce
위린기 Fried Chicken with Deriyaki Sauce
레몬닭고기 Fried Chicken with Slice Lemon
샥스핀통찜 Braised Whole Shark, Fin with Tung-Tyen
삼선샥스핀 Shark's Fin with Seafoods
광동샥스핀 Shark's Fin in Canton Style
게살샥스핀 Shark's Fin with Crab
홍소샥스핀 Shark's Fin with Vegetable
밍 마라우육덮밥 Steamed Rice with Spicy Beef
볶음밥 Fried Rice
게살볶음밥 Crab with Fried Rice
새우덮밥 Rice with Braised Shrimp and Vegetable in Hot Sauce
특밥 Spicy Vegetable
마파두부덮밥 Braised Bean Curd on Rice
잡채덮밥 Sauteed Beef with Chinese Vermicellion Steamed Rice
만두국+공기밥 Boiled dumplings + Rice
초고버섯덮밥 Straw Mushroom Rice
가상밥 Rice with Braised Vegetable and Beef
송이덮밥 Rice with Braised Beef and Pine-Mushroom in Hot Sauce
유산슬덮밥 Rice with Braised Sea-Cucumber with Shrimp and Pork
호유우육덮밥 Rice with Beef with Oyster Sause
잡탕덮밥 Rice with Mixed Seafoods
물만두 Steamed Meat Dumplings
군만두 Fried Dumpling
꽃빵 Steamed Planin Roll
공기밥 Steamed Rice
라짜(매운짬뽕+짜장면) Seafoods and Vegetables Hot Soup+Soy Bean Sauce
볶짜(볶음밥+짜장면) Bean Sauce Noodle and Fried Rice
라볶(매운짬뽕+볶음밥) Hot Soup Noodle + Fried Rice
짬뽕냉면 Seafoods Cold Soup
기스면 Chicken Soup
짜장 Seafoods and Soy Bean Sauce
라마(매운짬뽕) Seafoods and Vegetables Hot Red Soup
사천짬뽕(하얀짬뽕) Seafoods and Vegetables White Soup
우동 Seafoods and Egg Soup
울면 Noodle Soup with Vegetables Seafoods
초면 Fried Noodle
특면 Spicy Vegetables Fried Noodle
우육탕면 Beef and Vegetables Soup
광동면 Spicy Vegetable Fried Noodle
굴짬뽕 Noodles with Seafoods and Vefetables Oyster Soup
마술면 Fried Noodles with Vegetables
야채탕면 Noodles and Vegetables Soup
우육탕밥 Rice with Beef and Vegetables
라마밥 Rice with Seafoods Vegetables Hot Red Soup
우동밥 Rice with Seafoods and Egg Soup
짬뽕밥 Rice with Seafoods and Vegetables White Soup
굴짬뽕밥 Rice with Seafoods and Vegetables Oyster Soup
쟁반 Soy Bean Sauce Noodle
런치코스 ( 오전 12:00분 ~ 오후 15:00시 까지 )
A 20,000 B 25,000 C 33,000
광동냉채 3품 광동냉채 4품 광동냉채
소라샥스핀 게살스프 송이스프
깐소새우 팔보라조 게살샥스핀
고추잡채 깐풍새우 부귀중새우
꽃빵 금전우육 궁보가리비
식사 꽃빵 청파우육
식사 꽃빵
디너코스 ( 오후 17:00분 ~ 오후 21:00시 까지 )
A 35,000 B 50,000 C 80,000
4품 광동냉채 5품 광동냉채 특냉채
게살샥스핀스프 게살샥스핀스프 송이샥스핀찜
소삼선 광동샥스핀 해삼전복
깐소중새우 해삼쥬스 아스파라스관자
양상추 가리비챠우 부귀바다가재 XO왕새우
금전우육 라조복살 궁보가라비
꽃빵 호유두치우육 닭고기 상추쌈
식사 꽃빵 꽃빵
식사 식사
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