/* DHTML Scriptlets by TheShadow (theshadow@icon.co.za)
* Script #1 - "Hovering Text"
* 1 September 1998
* You may use and modify this code but you may not charge for it or works
* derived from it. Due credit is appreciated.
* Other scriptlets can be found at: http://www.icon.co.za/~andrewk
arrCos = new Array(360); /* Hold the COS lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */
arrSin = new Array(360); /* Hold the SIN lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */
/* Generate the SIN and COS lookup tables. In reality SIN and COS are usually FAR
* slower than the functions that manipulate co-ordinates and plot graphics on the
* screen. But when it comes to doing things with DHTML, the reality is that the
* speed of SIN and COS don't really matter. But in the name of good programming
* technique, I'm using lookup tables - sue me :)
* Basically the way they work, for those who don't know, is that we compute all
* the possible values that we might need from SIN and COS and put them into an array.
* From then on we just look them up in the array instead of computing them each time.
for (i=0;i<360;i++) {
arrSin[i] = Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 180);
arrCos[i] = Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 180);
function rotate(objID, x, y, r, deg, rinc) {
/* objID - the ID of the object we're gonna manipulate
* x - current object x-axis
* y - current object y-axis
* r - current object radius
* deg - current rotation around axis in degrees
* rinc - by how much we'll increment the radius this time
y = r * arrSin[deg];
x = r * arrCos[deg];
document.all[objID].style.pixelLeft = x;
document.all[objID].style.pixelTop = y+r+10;
if (deg % 60 == 0) r += rinc;
/* Has the radius reached it's maximum/minumum? If so, change the sign of the rinc
* so that instead of incrementing we decrement - and visa versa
if (r > 60 || r < 10) {
rinc *= -1;
r += rinc;
deg += 5;
if (deg >= 360) deg = 0;
setTimeout("rotate('" + objID + "'," + x + "," + y + "," + r + "," + deg + "," + rinc + ")", 10);
function highlight(objNum, lastNum) {
/* objNum - which object to highlight
* lastNum - which object is currently highlighted
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#FFCE5E";
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.fontStyle = "italic";
if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.color = "";
if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.fontStyle = "";
lastNum = objNum;
if (++objNum > 3) objNum = 1; /* Have we reached the last object? */
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#FF7700";
setTimeout("highlight(" + objNum+ "," + lastNum + ")", 2000);
function doit() {
x=0; /* initial x-axis position */
y=0; /* initial y-axis position */
r=10; /* initial radius */
deg=0; /* initial rotation around axis (in degrees) */
rinc = 1; /* radius increment */
/* Begin rotating each phrase with possible offsets to the initial values */
rotate("obj1", x, y, r+10, deg, rinc);
rotate("obj2", x, y, r, deg+45, rinc);
rotate("obj3", x, y, r+20, deg+90, rinc);
rotate("obj4", x, y, r, deg+270, rinc);
/* Begin highlighting each phrase in turn */
.rotateOBJ {position:relative}
<body ONLOAD="doit();" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:15pt;">
<table width=300>
<FONT COLOR="#336600"><B><I><FONT style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj1>태그피아에 오신걸 환영합니다</SPAN></FONT>
</font><FONT COLOR="#FFCE5E"><FONT style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj2>카멜롯™</SPAN></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><FONT style=font-size:9pt<SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj3>http://oxtag.com</SPAN></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#99CC00" style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj4>태그피아</SPAN></font>
/* DHTML Scriptlets by TheShadow (theshadow@icon.co.za)
* Script #1 - "Hovering Text"
* 1 September 1998
* You may use and modify this code but you may not charge for it or works
* derived from it. Due credit is appreciated.
* Other scriptlets can be found at: http://www.icon.co.za/~andrewk
arrCos = new Array(360); /* Hold the COS lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */
arrSin = new Array(360); /* Hold the SIN lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */
/* Generate the SIN and COS lookup tables. In reality SIN and COS are usually FAR
* slower than the functions that manipulate co-ordinates and plot graphics on the
* screen. But when it comes to doing things with DHTML, the reality is that the
* speed of SIN and COS don't really matter. But in the name of good programming
* technique, I'm using lookup tables - sue me :)
* Basically the way they work, for those who don't know, is that we compute all
* the possible values that we might need from SIN and COS and put them into an array.
* From then on we just look them up in the array instead of computing them each time.
for (i=0;i<360;i++) {
arrSin[i] = Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 180);
arrCos[i] = Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 180);
function rotate(objID, x, y, r, deg, rinc) {
/* objID - the ID of the object we're gonna manipulate
* x - current object x-axis
* y - current object y-axis
* r - current object radius
* deg - current rotation around axis in degrees
* rinc - by how much we'll increment the radius this time
y = r * arrSin[deg];
x = r * arrCos[deg];
document.all[objID].style.pixelLeft = x;
document.all[objID].style.pixelTop = y+r+10;
if (deg % 60 == 0) r += rinc;
/* Has the radius reached it's maximum/minumum? If so, change the sign of the rinc
* so that instead of incrementing we decrement - and visa versa
if (r > 60 || r < 10) {
rinc *= -1;
r += rinc;
deg += 5;
if (deg >= 360) deg = 0;
setTimeout("rotate('" + objID + "'," + x + "," + y + "," + r + "," + deg + "," + rinc + ")", 10);
function highlight(objNum, lastNum) {
/* objNum - which object to highlight
* lastNum - which object is currently highlighted
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#FFCE5E";
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.fontStyle = "italic";
if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.color = "";
if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.fontStyle = "";
lastNum = objNum;
if (++objNum > 3) objNum = 1; /* Have we reached the last object? */
document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#FF7700";
setTimeout("highlight(" + objNum+ "," + lastNum + ")", 2000);
function doit() {
x=0; /* initial x-axis position */
y=0; /* initial y-axis position */
r=10; /* initial radius */
deg=0; /* initial rotation around axis (in degrees) */
rinc = 1; /* radius increment */
/* Begin rotating each phrase with possible offsets to the initial values */
rotate("obj1", x, y, r+10, deg, rinc);
rotate("obj2", x, y, r, deg+45, rinc);
rotate("obj3", x, y, r+20, deg+90, rinc);
rotate("obj4", x, y, r, deg+270, rinc);
/* Begin highlighting each phrase in turn */
.rotateOBJ {position:relative}
<body ONLOAD="doit();" style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:15pt;">
<table width=300>
<FONT COLOR="#336600"><B><I><FONT style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj1>태그피아에 오신걸 환영합니다</SPAN></FONT>
</font><FONT COLOR="#FFCE5E"><FONT style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj2>카멜롯™</SPAN></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><FONT style=font-size:9pt<SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj3>http://oxtag.com</SPAN></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#99CC00" style=font-size:9pt><SPAN CLASS=rotateOBJ ID=obj4>태그피아</SPAN></font>
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