<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Copyright (c) 1996 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved. // This example will appear in our forthcoming book on JavaScript. // This example is NOT public domain. // create 6-element array var hex = new Array(6) // assign non-dithered descriptors hex[0] = "FF" hex[1] = "CC" hex[2] = "99" hex[3] = "66" hex[4] = "33" hex[5] = "00" // accept triplet string and display as background color function display(triplet) { // set color as background color document.bgColor = '#' + triplet // display the color hexadecimal triplet alert('Background color is now ' + triplet) } // draw a single table cell based on all descriptors function drawCell(red, green, blue) { // open cell with specified hexadecimal triplet background color document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="#' + red + green + blue + '">') // open a hypertext link with javascript: scheme to call display function document.write('<A HREF="javascript:display(\'' + (red + green + blue) + '\')">') // print transparent image (use any height and width) document.write('<IMG SRC="../img/place.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=12 WIDTH=12>') // close link tag document.write('</A>') // close table cell document.write('</TD>') } // draw table row based on red and blue descriptors function drawRow(red, blue) { // open table row document.write('<TR>') // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as green hex for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { drawCell(red, hex[i], blue) } // close current table row document.write('</TR>') } // draw table for one of six color cube panels function drawTable(blue) { // open table (one of six cube panels) document.write('<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>') // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as red hex for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { drawRow(hex[i], blue) } // close current table document.write('</TABLE>') } // draw all cube panels inside table cells function drawCube() { // open table document.write('<TABLE CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=1><TR>') // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as blue hex for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { // open table cell with white background color document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">') // call function to create cube panel with hex[i] blue hex drawTable(hex[i]) // close current table cell document.write('</TD>') } // close table row and table document.write('</TR></TABLE>') } // call function to begin execution drawCube() // --> </SCRIPT> |
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